About Me

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In my 28 years of existence there is one thing that always holds true. God is God. Plain and simple; God is God. His word contains immeasureable truths that have always been and always will be. And while I may not know where I'm going in life and what I will be doing; God knows. And ultimately, that's all I need to know. That is all I need to trust.

Daily Bible Verse

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Cubicle

Here's a little view of my cubicle...I know it's not exciting (at least not to me) but it's where I spend a good portion of my life! I do like to try and personalize it as much as possible by brining in pictures of friends and family. Oh, and at the moment...it's a little cluttered...You'll see...

We should totally play a game of I Spy with my desk!

Yeah...I told you it was a bit cluttered!!! I need to file some stuff...my goodness...

Guess what I was doing while I was at work... hehehe

The heart that is on my phone says Jessica and it was from the pins that we made as nametags for the first women's retreat that we had at Camp Pinnacle. Remember making them Suzanne??? And the piece of paper is the memory verse for bible study this week...Acts 8:15-17.

And woohoo...it's me in my cubicle...lovely florescent light blaring over my head! Well I suppose I had better get back to work here in my cubicle...


Natty Girl said...

YEA JESS!!! I've never scene your cubical before!!

And Ellen's blog...that was funny seeing that!!!

I like the picture of you at the end...I think its cute!! LOL

Jessica said...

Hehehe, what can I say...I was bored at work! lol

So yeah...thanks about the picture and I was wondering if people would notice that I had Ellen's Blog up! lol That was my little secret...teehee